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This page is for you the readers! Send us your letters and opinions and we will print them here. Don't worry if your English is perfect or not - that's not important, your opinion is!!


Dear Readers,
Sunnier weather has put smiles on the faces of the people, and we notice how the days are, little by little, getting longer.
For the editors of this magazine, the days get longer and longer as the deadline for printing gets nearer, and finally panic sets in as we realize something hasn't been checked, somebody hasn't been contacted, or some article hasn't been finished. On top of the 101 other

Apdo de Correos 3397, 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz. e-mail: news@guggenheim-b.com tel: 606 152 091. Our sources for the articles that appear in "Gugenheim News!" this month have been the following. El Correo, El Mundo, Gara, El Periodico de A lava. El Diario de Navarra, El Diario Vasco, www.humor.com, and as always readers and friends who have passed on interesting things!

   things that go wrong at the last minute, like the computer rejecting the existence of a scanner, or just refusing to do what you want it to. (Technology is supposed to make life easier for us, isn't it?). But, in the end, solutions are found, and here you are, reading issue number five of Read All About If and thinking, "I could write something better than that!" So please, put pen to paper - or fmger to keyboard - and send us a letter with your opinions. And if you haven't got time to write, don't worry - just enjoy reading! The Editors.



    Mark Kurlansky is an American writer who for many years was a journalist in Spain, particularly in the Basque provinces and who is the author of a best-selling book about cod* and its influence on man. Although he now lives in New York he comes back here every year and has now decided to tell the world about the land and people that he has grown to love. What Kurlansky has written is perhaps the first popular history of the Basques, their culture and their influence on world history, The idea of the book is to explain to the general public who, what and where the Basques are, and it tries to clarify the origins, reasons and current situation of the 'Basque problem'.     The book details how Basques became pioneers in commercial whaling and cod " 5 fishing and how they were the leaders of the Industrial Revolution in southern Europe. Always in the forefront during the age of exploration, they were also among the first Europeans in the Americas, Africa and Asia Or were they there first..? There are interesting sections on the origin of 'Pil-Pil cod' and the folklore and traditions of the land. Kurlansky's talent is using human stories to describe and explain historical events and their modem day consequences. Read it!
 This book can be ordered via the internet from AMAZON.CO.UK at a total cost of about 4,0(K)pts and takes about 7 days fo arrive


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